mata dah berair2 nak tido but still gigeh nak update jap
lama sangat dah x update kan
ada tak yg rindu?
ceeh cehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
before i proceed, i would like to wish a happy 9months for the wonderful relationship im currently in
this 9months journey really tought me to be better person
to appreciate more
learning to give and take
to deal with my anger, my emotion, to care, to love and to share
happy 9months sayang!
thanx for loving me and be there for me
ok doky enough w dat lovey dovey
nak cita pasal my 1st ever shawl anting2 :)
nieza n bobet went to KL last week and the only thing i want them to buy for me is------shawl!
i couldnt think of anything else tho
nak shawl jek ckup
xyah nak tapau auntie anne's pretzels ke burger king ke
nak shawl only!
when they were there, i called byk kali jugak la
and asking so many questions ok
"sinei ktk duak?d jln TAR udah?"
"ada nemu shawl suka kmk tek?"
"mok kaler grey ngan krim aaaaa"
"mun ada dark pink beli sekali"
"ada nemu shawl suka kmk tek?"
"mok kaler grey ngan krim aaaaa"
"mun ada dark pink beli sekali"
gila demanding kan
sib baik la dorang ni kwn baik
layan je permintaan kawan gebu dorang ni
thanx darl!
so last thursday baru nieza handed me the shawls
grey n cream
yay dapat 2shawls baru uols!
hepi sungguh
macamkan dapat perfume tresor in
so tanpa membuang masa terus pakai g keja sabtu tu
x sabar2!

oh sukaaaaaaaaaa
salu nmpak org jek pakai
nak pakai tp cam ok ke kan?
so ok ka sik mek pakei shawl tok?
mun ok mek mok meli 10 igek kaler gik!
rasa mok nambah koleksi membuak2 dah cewah haha
ok before tido nak iklan jap
nak pakai tp cam ok ke kan?
so ok ka sik mek pakei shawl tok?
mun ok mek mok meli 10 igek kaler gik!
rasa mok nambah koleksi membuak2 dah cewah haha
ok before tido nak iklan jap

after 2months wearing it, i feel lots better
badan ringan jek
so sapa berkenan/berminat nak me demo ke apa
call/sms me
see u later darls!
whole suit ka za? from bottom to top PB ya ?
anyway... shawl ya perlu di iron lok sik? hahhaha... soalan...
dah boleh datang KL shopping!!!1
i like :)
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