here are some pics during aziza's wedding reception last sat.
sorry for the delay.
saya mmg bz sangat2..
let's cut the story short.
a lil reunion for us dat nite.
bob is the singer for d nite..
he sang some love songs n my fav is dealova..
sy sangat suka suara bob ni.. ;)
he sang some love songs n my fav is dealova..
sy sangat suka suara bob ni.. ;)
happy sgt boleh jmpa w my ex schoolmates.
semua dah matured2..
wedding abis dlm kol 1130pm sbb we all tggu nak amik pics w the newlyweds..
dlm kol 1230am baru sampai umah..
penat wei..
tp best sebab smpat jumpa my dearest jap b4 he off to kl d next morning..
oh oh..
nite peeps!
this week my shift will be started at 830am.
so a big no no for late nite sleeps..
gd nyte u all..
p/s: to those who interested to get jojo's magical touch, u can leave msg on my chatbox ok!
semua dah matured2..
wedding abis dlm kol 1130pm sbb we all tggu nak amik pics w the newlyweds..
dlm kol 1230am baru sampai umah..
penat wei..
tp best sebab smpat jumpa my dearest jap b4 he off to kl d next morning..
oh oh..
nite peeps!
this week my shift will be started at 830am.
so a big no no for late nite sleeps..
gd nyte u all..
p/s: to those who interested to get jojo's magical touch, u can leave msg on my chatbox ok!
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Wah... Q.. My fren,my buddy... U looks like Datuk Ahmad Boestamam masa muda2 dulu lah hoi! Kakakakakakaka...
Lepas rindu gua nk tgk lu pakai baju kawin..
hye akhtar..
u kwn Q ye..
Q mmg bertuah dapat aziza..very humble wpun hdup senang..
i penah jumpe Q mase raya 2007 open hse umh aziza.mmg peramah sangat2 siap pndai ckp swak lagi..
mmg happy couple la..
so thanx for stopping by. =)
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