im at my ofc now.started working at 830 am.
my shift ended at 630pm.10hr keje uuuuu.
gigih.sangat gigih.
but its ok...gaji sudah masyukk~
sampai2 ofc nyza nak blanja we all breakfast.
so mintak tlg jojo belikan kat kopi o corner.
lusa dah puasa so mkn puas2 2hari ni.. ;)
i ordered mi jawa ayam, my fav.
adoi, camane nak kurus...
last nite i went to meet my blogger friend, Ms Zie aka princessredbloodsnow.
jmpe kejap jek kat gerai mkn.
smbang dlm keta jek pun.asal jumpa bah zie oo..
lak ta jumpa or sungkei sama k..
this girl is really famous w her blog.
ramai kwn dier ni..
all around the world.seriously.
xde la macam ai, bdak baru blaja.
blog pun cam hampeh jek..
no chatbox,links or widget2 bagai..
tp still ade readers yg setia baca luahan hati yg ntah hapa hapa.
ok.calls sudah byk ni..
its time to keja peeps..
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
happy day.happy news.
after 2days enjoying my off days,im back to work again today.
it was a very cold morning n its sooo hard for me to get up.hmm..
ngenang keja bah..bangun la ooo..
my shift started at 830am-600pm..
sampai2 ofc smua cam excited nak update cite+gossips.hehhe.
owhh i love my ofc so much..hahha.
tell u the truth, i have very good colleagues here and dats make me enjoy my job even more...
n tetiba, Mr Said, the team leader asked me to join a briefing at level 1.
ada briefing pasal produk baru TM, italk sim pack.
last min lak bgtau tu..
stat briefing kol 9..
x menyempat la nak bekpes..
this product will be launch mid september..
ramai gak la yg join this briefing..
geng tm point pun ada..
then dlm kol 1030, briefing dah abis n naik balik to my ofc..
then Mr Alex, the HR admin told me dat the manager, Mr Unjil want to see!
i was like...'do i have any bad performance?'
'why me?'
'apahal tok oo?'
nebes la jugak..
sampai2 kat ofc Mr Unjil, i saw some of my friends from other departments are there too..
pahal oooo...
then Mr Unjil pun masuk..
n he said he has a very good news to share..
its about the contract..
and now..
i want to announce dat,
my contract will be continued to 3 yrs more~
im sooo happy..
immediately i gave a call to my mum telling her d good news..
syukor la.rezeki bln puasa..
gaji x naik tp shift allowance naik sket..
x kesah la..happy ni..
kalo dah gaji mmg la double happy ni..
i need to get back to work guys..
it was a very cold morning n its sooo hard for me to get up.hmm..
ngenang keja bah..bangun la ooo..
my shift started at 830am-600pm..
sampai2 ofc smua cam excited nak update cite+gossips.hehhe.
owhh i love my ofc so much..hahha.
tell u the truth, i have very good colleagues here and dats make me enjoy my job even more...
n tetiba, Mr Said, the team leader asked me to join a briefing at level 1.
ada briefing pasal produk baru TM, italk sim pack.
last min lak bgtau tu..
stat briefing kol 9..
x menyempat la nak bekpes..
this product will be launch mid september..
ramai gak la yg join this briefing..
geng tm point pun ada..
then dlm kol 1030, briefing dah abis n naik balik to my ofc..
then Mr Alex, the HR admin told me dat the manager, Mr Unjil want to see!
i was like...'do i have any bad performance?'
'why me?'
'apahal tok oo?'
nebes la jugak..
sampai2 kat ofc Mr Unjil, i saw some of my friends from other departments are there too..
pahal oooo...
then Mr Unjil pun masuk..
n he said he has a very good news to share..
its about the contract..
and now..
i want to announce dat,
my contract will be continued to 3 yrs more~
im sooo happy..
immediately i gave a call to my mum telling her d good news..
syukor la.rezeki bln puasa..
gaji x naik tp shift allowance naik sket..
x kesah la..happy ni..
kalo dah gaji mmg la double happy ni..
i need to get back to work guys..
Monday, August 18, 2008
aziza's wedding@crowne plaza hotel
hye peeps!
here are some pics during aziza's wedding reception last sat.
sorry for the delay.
saya mmg bz sangat2..
let's cut the story short.
me n bobet
blurry tp nak add jugak.batch spm 2000, sm sains kch.
a lil reunion for us dat nite.
me n bob af2.
here are some pics during aziza's wedding reception last sat.
sorry for the delay.
saya mmg bz sangat2..
let's cut the story short.
a lil reunion for us dat nite.
bob is the singer for d nite..
he sang some love songs n my fav is dealova..
sy sangat suka suara bob ni.. ;)
he sang some love songs n my fav is dealova..
sy sangat suka suara bob ni.. ;)
happy sgt boleh jmpa w my ex schoolmates.
semua dah matured2..
wedding abis dlm kol 1130pm sbb we all tggu nak amik pics w the newlyweds..
dlm kol 1230am baru sampai umah..
penat wei..
tp best sebab smpat jumpa my dearest jap b4 he off to kl d next morning..
oh oh..
nite peeps!
this week my shift will be started at 830am.
so a big no no for late nite sleeps..
gd nyte u all..
p/s: to those who interested to get jojo's magical touch, u can leave msg on my chatbox ok!
semua dah matured2..
wedding abis dlm kol 1130pm sbb we all tggu nak amik pics w the newlyweds..
dlm kol 1230am baru sampai umah..
penat wei..
tp best sebab smpat jumpa my dearest jap b4 he off to kl d next morning..
oh oh..
nite peeps!
this week my shift will be started at 830am.
so a big no no for late nite sleeps..
gd nyte u all..
p/s: to those who interested to get jojo's magical touch, u can leave msg on my chatbox ok!
Friday, August 15, 2008
happy birthday daria!!
to my good friend, daria@ o on..
happy sweeeetttt 17th
(plus 8 more beautiful years.ehemm)
i wish u all the best in life, happiness throught out the year n maintain comel, gila2 n manjak salu..yerrr word manjak ya best gilak oon ooo..
cnei u celebrate tek darling?
balit u kch lak, i cia swee kang ngan suntong kangkong...
ngeh ngeh ngeh~
happy sweeeetttt 17th
(plus 8 more beautiful years.ehemm)
i wish u all the best in life, happiness throught out the year n maintain comel, gila2 n manjak salu..yerrr word manjak ya best gilak oon ooo..
cnei u celebrate tek darling?
balit u kch lak, i cia swee kang ngan suntong kangkong...
ngeh ngeh ngeh~
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
aziza's wedding invitation.
actually while im updating this, im having flu n bad cough..
i feel so sick..
but however, blog mesti jalan.
no matter how, no matter what..
blogger gigih la katakan.. ;)
so yesterday i received a wedding invitation..
from my ex classmate, Ms Aziza Jasmi(5 beta sm sains kch)..
aziza is my very good friend back in school..
she's very funny, gila2 kinda girl back then n now she's going to a beloved wifey!
to cut long story short, knowing her since i was 13,
we had lots of wonderful memories together.. =)
i met her fiance once last raya at ziza's place..
n i know ziza will be happy w this kind hearted man..
n im glad she's going to get married this friday..
the reception wld be on this coming saturday..
aziza, im sooo for u!
here's her pretty card..
i feel so sick..
but however, blog mesti jalan.
no matter how, no matter what..
blogger gigih la katakan.. ;)
so yesterday i received a wedding invitation..
from my ex classmate, Ms Aziza Jasmi(5 beta sm sains kch)..
aziza is my very good friend back in school..
she's very funny, gila2 kinda girl back then n now she's going to a beloved wifey!
to cut long story short, knowing her since i was 13,
we had lots of wonderful memories together.. =)
i met her fiance once last raya at ziza's place..
n i know ziza will be happy w this kind hearted man..
n im glad she's going to get married this friday..
the reception wld be on this coming saturday..
aziza, im sooo for u!
here's her pretty card..
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
nieza beli perfume =)
at about 730pm td, i accompanied nieza to airport cos she wanted to buy some perfumes..
jaohkan g beli..
bkn ape u all, perfume ni ade kat mall yg lepas check in tu jek..
n i have a fren who's working there as a 'penguatkuasa imigresen'..
so mintak tlg dier belikan la...
nak masok sane x boleh..
so sementara nak tggu my fren ni, me n nieza lepakla kat starbucks jap..
i ordered the signature hot choc..
nieza ordered blueberry muffin n mocha ice blended..
malas nak amik pic..
dah ada org komplen blog aku ni asyik tayang pic makanan jek kan..
pastu cite hal pc rosak..
so nak kurangkan la pic mkn2 ni..
n hopefully pc aku dah x meragam..
after 10mins, kwn i pun dtg..
heri namanya...
she's my good friend when i was in cadas business school..
now dah keje imigresen..
pakai uniform lagik..
imejin kalo aku dapat keje ni, sure cam nangka pkai uniform..ngeehhhee..
so pas dier amik the cash, dier pun turun bwh belikan..
n then i picked it up frm her later..
here's nieza's latest collection of perfumes..
ada 5 dior's miniatures.
my fav is poison midnite.. ;)
dlm kol 930, we went home.
now tgh flu so dah telan pil flu td.
jap g sure flat...
nyte2 u all..
jaohkan g beli..
bkn ape u all, perfume ni ade kat mall yg lepas check in tu jek..
n i have a fren who's working there as a 'penguatkuasa imigresen'..
so mintak tlg dier belikan la...
nak masok sane x boleh..
so sementara nak tggu my fren ni, me n nieza lepakla kat starbucks jap..
i ordered the signature hot choc..
nieza ordered blueberry muffin n mocha ice blended..
malas nak amik pic..
dah ada org komplen blog aku ni asyik tayang pic makanan jek kan..
pastu cite hal pc rosak..
so nak kurangkan la pic mkn2 ni..
n hopefully pc aku dah x meragam..
after 10mins, kwn i pun dtg..
heri namanya...
she's my good friend when i was in cadas business school..
now dah keje imigresen..
pakai uniform lagik..
imejin kalo aku dapat keje ni, sure cam nangka pkai uniform..ngeehhhee..
so pas dier amik the cash, dier pun turun bwh belikan..
n then i picked it up frm her later..
here's nieza's latest collection of perfumes..
ada 5 dior's miniatures.
my fav is poison midnite.. ;)
dlm kol 930, we went home.
now tgh flu so dah telan pil flu td.
jap g sure flat...
nyte2 u all..
selasa yg haru biru
ritok tek ada kursus[daria, xpat tahan nggu ri mggu molah entry bm swak.encang ajak ri selasa.hahha]..
kursus on doing sales la..
keja kmk tok molah calls to org yg lom byr bil.
kira cam along la..
tp mek org along tantek tantek, manis2, lembut n solehah.. ;)
ritok tek kursus ya stat kol 830 pg..
selamba jak aku dtg kol 10..apa tek ngekot shift..
bila stat mok log in tek kan, alu la org nanyak..
"aie, ktk x kursus ka ritok?"
alu tanpa membuang masa alu berekot turun debah..
imejin jak saya terkitit2 takut tek kenak anok ka apa ka..
so pegi la bilit Tuneong kat bangunan sebelah TM600 x silap..
lamak siot cdak dah stat..aku kol 10 bok sampei..huhu
bila masok molah muka kompiden..
cis, malu seh..
'good morning...'
alu ku amik seat sebelah aswa..
semua bisit2 nanyak kenak aher..
muka saya rasa panas ajak..
gik asa aher..
bkn apa bah, mek ingat tek msti ekot shift..
xpayah duhal..
kenak la ku x tauk ooo..
damn it!
the trainer ya namanya Ms Usya from TM Penang..
best gilos..
now im blogging from my own pc..
lunch break tek nak..
dudi mkn asal dapat hapdet..
kursus abis kol 530 ptg.
ritok x payah molah calls...
nang best la..
aaaahhh heaven..
kursus on doing sales la..
keja kmk tok molah calls to org yg lom byr bil.
kira cam along la..
tp mek org along tantek tantek, manis2, lembut n solehah.. ;)
ritok tek kursus ya stat kol 830 pg..
selamba jak aku dtg kol 10..apa tek ngekot shift..
bila stat mok log in tek kan, alu la org nanyak..
"aie, ktk x kursus ka ritok?"
alu tanpa membuang masa alu berekot turun debah..
imejin jak saya terkitit2 takut tek kenak anok ka apa ka..
so pegi la bilit Tuneong kat bangunan sebelah TM600 x silap..
lamak siot cdak dah stat..aku kol 10 bok sampei..huhu
bila masok molah muka kompiden..
cis, malu seh..
'good morning...'
alu ku amik seat sebelah aswa..
semua bisit2 nanyak kenak aher..
muka saya rasa panas ajak..
gik asa aher..
bkn apa bah, mek ingat tek msti ekot shift..
xpayah duhal..
kenak la ku x tauk ooo..
damn it!
the trainer ya namanya Ms Usya from TM Penang..
best gilos..
now im blogging from my own pc..
lunch break tek nak..
dudi mkn asal dapat hapdet..
kursus abis kol 530 ptg.
ritok x payah molah calls...
nang best la..
aaaahhh heaven..
cita b4 sampei ofc
+ tak org ada nenga sik hotfm pg tadik?masa ku tgh drive ke ofc, ada la caller tok..sorang laki tok bingong..nya mdh ngan fafau n fbi nya mok nikah jumaat tok tp gf numb 2 nya x tauk n nya x tauk camnei mok last tek farah n fbi nulong nya numb 2 ya ain namanya..ain mula2 nenga sora fbi n fafau..
+ tak org ada nenga sik hotfm pg tadik?masa ku tgh drive ke ofc, ada la caller tok..sorang laki tok bingong..nya mdh ngan fafau n fbi nya mok nikah jumaat tok tp gf numb 2 nya x tauk n nya x tauk camnei mok last tek farah n fbi nulong nya numb 2 ya ain namanya..ain mula2 nenga sora fbi n fafau..
ingat tek jokes..
ya alu kuar sora bf nya...
"ain, i nak nikah, jumaat ni.sabtu i sanding..."-kata org laki ya tek.
ain mula2 diam jak..nya igt panggilan hangit..
duhal tek mena..
ngan org lain gik ya nya nikah..
on our fav Hotfm gik ya!
x ko sedeh!
i just cant imagine how if im in her shoes..
mun nya madah nya ada org lain ya dapat gik d ampun..
bila nya madah nya mok nikah..
i know how it feels..
damn org laki x indecisive..
pas nya madah ya ada la ain ya madah thanx la apa la...
tp ku tauk nya sedeh..
then alu kuar lagu Di Sana Menunggu Di Sini Menanti-Ukays..
men these days..
what say u?
daria, juzz, felicia n other readers, how if ure in ain's shoes?
ya alu kuar sora bf nya...
"ain, i nak nikah, jumaat ni.sabtu i sanding..."-kata org laki ya tek.
ain mula2 diam jak..nya igt panggilan hangit..
duhal tek mena..
ngan org lain gik ya nya nikah..
on our fav Hotfm gik ya!
x ko sedeh!
i just cant imagine how if im in her shoes..
mun nya madah nya ada org lain ya dapat gik d ampun..
bila nya madah nya mok nikah..
i know how it feels..
damn org laki x indecisive..
pas nya madah ya ada la ain ya madah thanx la apa la...
tp ku tauk nya sedeh..
then alu kuar lagu Di Sana Menunggu Di Sini Menanti-Ukays..
men these days..
what say u?
daria, juzz, felicia n other readers, how if ure in ain's shoes?
Monday, August 11, 2008
monday blues
i found these funny pics on a website..
hope it'll brighten up ur stressful monday..

* i loike the 3rd pic..fakfes.hahaha
which one is ur fav? =)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
jln2 ari minggu[edisi bhs swak. ;) ]
1st tym mok blogging k bahasa kedirik tang singkol jak nyawa ko..
daria, bila mok try blog edisi bahasa dikpun tok?
best kita beranok sama dirik org x paham..hahha..
nieza mlm tadik tdo umah sbb mlm tadik mek 2 balit aher..
g cnei x boleh padah.
pas online mek 2 adalah tdo dlm kol 2 sengah gya.
bgn2 hari dah kol 9..bahagia dpt bgn aher..
kakya pas lunch, anta nieza pulang tp b4 ya singgah choice mall dlok..
gik asa nieza lom mndik d embak raon..mun la org tauk oo.ngeh ngeh..
pas shopping kat mall n nganta nieza pulang, balit umah ngga tv sampei ptg..
then, ptg ya dah janji mok kuar ngan nieza n bobet..
amik bobet n nieza dlm kol 7 gya pasya mek org g mkn di........
pizza hut!
ingat mok ngga wayang p x jadi jak..
bobet ada cerita hot..mun ngga wyg xpat berloya..
so g mkn jak la..
fyi, bobet tok keja d tebedu jd site supervisor..
ya nya dapat enjoy weekends jak..
xhal bet, bln depan dah jd lecturer maka harus ta 3 boleh kuar sama selalu!
i ordered my fav pepperoni pizza..
nyaman cam biasa..belalak mok agik tp tahan nafsu..
raya tok ada 2 pasang kebaya k raya lak x muat.haha.
pas mkn, raon jap kat swk plaza..
pasya alu balit..
jgn x ngga pasa kata org nak..
so guys, esok mek keja kol 10pg-730mlm
sure byk keja.
cam biasa, i hate mondays!
boleh ilek2 isap gam bgn kol 8 ka..
best best!
balit kol 730 harus diam d umah ajak..
xda papa juak mok d polah..
k la.mok sambung ber ym loks..
takecare u all..
daria, bila mok try blog edisi bahasa dikpun tok?
best kita beranok sama dirik org x paham..hahha..
nieza mlm tadik tdo umah sbb mlm tadik mek 2 balit aher..
g cnei x boleh padah.
pas online mek 2 adalah tdo dlm kol 2 sengah gya.
bgn2 hari dah kol 9..bahagia dpt bgn aher..
kakya pas lunch, anta nieza pulang tp b4 ya singgah choice mall dlok..
gik asa nieza lom mndik d embak raon..mun la org tauk oo.ngeh ngeh..
pas shopping kat mall n nganta nieza pulang, balit umah ngga tv sampei ptg..
then, ptg ya dah janji mok kuar ngan nieza n bobet..
amik bobet n nieza dlm kol 7 gya pasya mek org g mkn di........
pizza hut!
ingat mok ngga wayang p x jadi jak..
bobet ada cerita hot..mun ngga wyg xpat berloya..
so g mkn jak la..
fyi, bobet tok keja d tebedu jd site supervisor..
ya nya dapat enjoy weekends jak..
xhal bet, bln depan dah jd lecturer maka harus ta 3 boleh kuar sama selalu!
i ordered my fav pepperoni pizza..
nyaman cam biasa..belalak mok agik tp tahan nafsu..
raya tok ada 2 pasang kebaya k raya lak x muat.haha.
pas mkn, raon jap kat swk plaza..
pasya alu balit..
jgn x ngga pasa kata org nak..
so guys, esok mek keja kol 10pg-730mlm
sure byk keja.
cam biasa, i hate mondays!
boleh ilek2 isap gam bgn kol 8 ka..
best best!
balit kol 730 harus diam d umah ajak..
xda papa juak mok d polah..
k la.mok sambung ber ym loks..
takecare u all..
major blackout
yesterday, dlm kol 5pm camtu me, fatin, ida n mama g d the spring to do some shopping..
since i have my day off, so apela salahnya temankan..supir so called!~
pas fatin n ida beli cute tops at DnD and my mum beli pyjamas at FOS,we all nak singgahla kat Padini sbb kak ina pesan mintak belikan jeans n some baby Tees..
baru jek halfway jln pas kuar dari FOS, tetiba black out!!
ingatkan kejap jek we all pun dudok la kat bangku jap..
after 10mins still x ok jugak, we cancel la nak g padini..
singgah kat big apple jap mkn..
tgh2 mkn dgr la org sok sek ckp seluroh swak black outs rupanya..
mmg major la ni kalo dah seluruh swak kan..
then ingat nak balik terus, my mum nak singgah plak jap beli groceries kat Ta Kiong..
mmg gelapla sbb ada emergency light jek n the counters were using the battery supplies to keep on doing the business..
the funny thing happened when my mum tgh2 nak membayar tu, tetiba battery habis n system down..sib baik smpat scan the candles..hee~
half of groceries tu x boleh nak dikira pasal x boleh scan..hhuuhu
mmg gelabah la officer kat situ aku tgk..
dlm kol 8pm we all headed home..
jln sangat gelap gelita..lampu jalan pun xde..huhu..
mmg slow la aku drive..
dlm kol 845 camtu, barula ok balik..
x boleh nak bayangkan tdo without the fans and all..
mndi pun sejok jek kalo xde heater..
dlm kol 930 aku kuar lagi sama nieza..
g isi minyak full tank then lepak somewhere sampai kol 12 then balik umah..
u can read this to know more about the blackouts..
since i have my day off, so apela salahnya temankan..supir so called!~
pas fatin n ida beli cute tops at DnD and my mum beli pyjamas at FOS,we all nak singgahla kat Padini sbb kak ina pesan mintak belikan jeans n some baby Tees..
baru jek halfway jln pas kuar dari FOS, tetiba black out!!
ingatkan kejap jek we all pun dudok la kat bangku jap..
after 10mins still x ok jugak, we cancel la nak g padini..
singgah kat big apple jap mkn..
tgh2 mkn dgr la org sok sek ckp seluroh swak black outs rupanya..
mmg major la ni kalo dah seluruh swak kan..
then ingat nak balik terus, my mum nak singgah plak jap beli groceries kat Ta Kiong..
mmg gelapla sbb ada emergency light jek n the counters were using the battery supplies to keep on doing the business..
the funny thing happened when my mum tgh2 nak membayar tu, tetiba battery habis n system down..sib baik smpat scan the candles..hee~
half of groceries tu x boleh nak dikira pasal x boleh scan..hhuuhu
mmg gelabah la officer kat situ aku tgk..
dlm kol 8pm we all headed home..
jln sangat gelap gelita..lampu jalan pun xde..huhu..
mmg slow la aku drive..
dlm kol 845 camtu, barula ok balik..
x boleh nak bayangkan tdo without the fans and all..
mndi pun sejok jek kalo xde heater..
dlm kol 930 aku kuar lagi sama nieza..
g isi minyak full tank then lepak somewhere sampai kol 12 then balik umah..
u can read this to know more about the blackouts..
Saturday, August 9, 2008
coffee bean n olympics 2008
pas balik wedding, me n nieza cam xnak balik umah lg..
siot je kan..
so teringin la nak g minum2 ni..
nak g bing, kol 11 dah tutup dah..
so singgah la jap g coffee bean..
me order english breakfast tea..
nieza order kek coklat n mineral water..
dapat la tgk opening olympics sekali sambil mkn kek.yummy!
mmg happening opening last nite..
w amazingly structured beijing's stadium..
i wish i was there u all..
boleh cuci mata tgk olympians omputeh.
mmg org ingat aku baru balik bertunang dgn baju lip lap lip lap kan..
belasah jek..bkn nya x pkai baju...
cantek what..ceeaaa ayat x boleh blah..
then dlm kol 1130 camtu, we both pun balik..
balik umah on ym jap, mndi n then zzzzz kepenatan.......
siot je kan..
so teringin la nak g minum2 ni..
nak g bing, kol 11 dah tutup dah..
so singgah la jap g coffee bean..
me order english breakfast tea..
nieza order kek coklat n mineral water..
dapat la tgk opening olympics sekali sambil mkn kek.yummy!
mmg happening opening last nite..
w amazingly structured beijing's stadium..
i wish i was there u all..
boleh cuci mata tgk olympians omputeh.
mmg org ingat aku baru balik bertunang dgn baju lip lap lip lap kan..
belasah jek..bkn nya x pkai baju...
cantek what..ceeaaa ayat x boleh blah..
then dlm kol 1130 camtu, we both pun balik..
balik umah on ym jap, mndi n then zzzzz kepenatan.......
En. Said's wedding
after my shift ended at 930pm, with nieza n cella, we made our way to En Said's wedding.
i wore my purple chiffon lace modern kurung which is my baju raju raya last 3 yrs..
the material of this piece very heavy w the shiny shiny stones so jarang la pakai tp tantekk..
sampai2 sana mostly my colleagues dah ada n dah mkn pun..
and luckily, the pengantin sudi nak temankan mkn..
join w mieza n sal..they both got better offers so aft they resigned pun we still keep in touch..
mkn setaaap you all..
ada nasik minyak, dhal daging, daging masak kicap, ayam goreng, ikan masin, drinks n desserts..
simple but yet sooo mengenyangkan..
after mkn, lepak2 jap n tgk bilik pengantin..
sangat cantik hasil sentuhan jojo, my colleague..
then dlm kol 1030 camtu, me n nieza pun balik..
cella plak tumpang jojo balik umah..
i wish En Said n her wife all the best in life n semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat..
here's d pics..
i wore my purple chiffon lace modern kurung which is my baju raju raya last 3 yrs..
the material of this piece very heavy w the shiny shiny stones so jarang la pakai tp tantekk..
sampai2 sana mostly my colleagues dah ada n dah mkn pun..
and luckily, the pengantin sudi nak temankan mkn..
join w mieza n sal..they both got better offers so aft they resigned pun we still keep in touch..
mkn setaaap you all..
ada nasik minyak, dhal daging, daging masak kicap, ayam goreng, ikan masin, drinks n desserts..
simple but yet sooo mengenyangkan..
after mkn, lepak2 jap n tgk bilik pengantin..
sangat cantik hasil sentuhan jojo, my colleague..
then dlm kol 1030 camtu, me n nieza pun balik..
cella plak tumpang jojo balik umah..
i wish En Said n her wife all the best in life n semoga berkekalan hingga akhir hayat..
here's d pics..
Friday, August 8, 2008
a very lucky numb i must say..
5 yrs back, penah la berangan nak wedding on this very day..
how to kawen if u're single?
talking about wedding, i would like to congratulates tina ajib who's happen to have her akad nikah today..
she's my blog friend and im so excited for her..
and tonite i have a wedding to attend to..
my dearest Team Leader, Mr Said will wed tonite at his place..
akad nikah siang then reception, malam..

since my shift ends at 930pm,me n the rest of nite shifters will knvoi to his place tonite..
dgn semangat, pg2 dah iron baju tantek nak pakai mlm ni..
kena sangkut dlm keta dulu, nak abis shift, baru stat makeup semua..
owh excited..
olympics beijing started today kan?
pg2 lagi my mum dah kol mintak add in sport package.
tgh mamai time tu so i called her back in d ofc later..
okla kawan2..
nak siap2 dlu then g keja..
malas nak drive.
jd supir saya boleh?
i bagi gaji.
gaji dgn kasih sayang.
huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa huaaaaaaaa
5 yrs back, penah la berangan nak wedding on this very day..
how to kawen if u're single?
talking about wedding, i would like to congratulates tina ajib who's happen to have her akad nikah today..
she's my blog friend and im so excited for her..
and tonite i have a wedding to attend to..
my dearest Team Leader, Mr Said will wed tonite at his place..
akad nikah siang then reception, malam..
since my shift ends at 930pm,me n the rest of nite shifters will knvoi to his place tonite..
dgn semangat, pg2 dah iron baju tantek nak pakai mlm ni..
kena sangkut dlm keta dulu, nak abis shift, baru stat makeup semua..
owh excited..
olympics beijing started today kan?
pg2 lagi my mum dah kol mintak add in sport package.
tgh mamai time tu so i called her back in d ofc later..
okla kawan2..
nak siap2 dlu then g keja..
malas nak drive.
jd supir saya boleh?
i bagi gaji.
gaji dgn kasih sayang.
huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa huaaaaaaaa
cinta terhalang bob af2
yesterday my pc dah ok..its costed me RM50..*sigh*
since dah ok kan, i yming until 2pg la.lepas gian.
bangun pagi2 cam semangat la kan nak buat entry baru ni..
sekali cam s word jek xleh save.
penat2 i menaep d pg hari..
so, i finished uploading all the pending pics dat i sld put in last weekends..
puas ati dah?
nak lagi?
currently i love to listen to bob af2 new song 'cinta terhalang'
i didnt upload dat song but just listen to it by the youtube..
bob's voice is sooo wonderful.nuff said.
i keep on replaying the same song alll nite long..
y huh?
adakah cinta i terhalang?
terhalang kah?
i just love this part,
Tak dapat aku lindungi perasaan
Engkau impian yang aku idamkan
Kau yang ku puja, kau yang ku sanjung
Kau yang aku perlukan
Kau yang ku sayang, kau yang ku cinta
Kaulah satu cinta terhalang
u can listen to it here
how if u have met ur soulmate but then 'terhalang'?
lu pikirla sendiri..
tetiba malas nak layan jiwang2..
i need my sleep now..
*muah muah!*
since dah ok kan, i yming until 2pg la.lepas gian.
bangun pagi2 cam semangat la kan nak buat entry baru ni..
sekali cam s word jek xleh save.
penat2 i menaep d pg hari..
so, i finished uploading all the pending pics dat i sld put in last weekends..
puas ati dah?
nak lagi?
currently i love to listen to bob af2 new song 'cinta terhalang'
i didnt upload dat song but just listen to it by the youtube..
bob's voice is sooo wonderful.nuff said.
i keep on replaying the same song alll nite long..
y huh?
adakah cinta i terhalang?
terhalang kah?
i just love this part,
Tak dapat aku lindungi perasaan
Engkau impian yang aku idamkan
Kau yang ku puja, kau yang ku sanjung
Kau yang aku perlukan
Kau yang ku sayang, kau yang ku cinta
Kaulah satu cinta terhalang
u can listen to it here
how if u have met ur soulmate but then 'terhalang'?
lu pikirla sendiri..
tetiba malas nak layan jiwang2..
i need my sleep now..
*muah muah!*
Thursday, August 7, 2008
juzz belanja mkn.
thanx a lot to my dear juzz for belanja us dat day..bkn murah ok mkn kat hartz iteww..
lenkali boleh blanja kenny rogers..
ei, btw, jd ka rancangan mahu meng'kenny'kan perut d hujung mggu?
if anyone wondering, i was wearing my new mng's tops w a black body suit sbb sleeves tu pendek amat..
chantek kan kawan2?
* amik bakul, angkat sendiri then lariiiiii jaoh2*
lenkali boleh blanja kenny rogers..
ei, btw, jd ka rancangan mahu meng'kenny'kan perut d hujung mggu?
if anyone wondering, i was wearing my new mng's tops w a black body suit sbb sleeves tu pendek amat..
chantek kan kawan2?
* amik bakul, angkat sendiri then lariiiiii jaoh2*
aku dan dia yg dah chubby.heee~
sambungan dari entry after so long
ada satu pic jek aku leh share with u ol..
mmg sengaja la nak amik pic sipi2 jek..segan shial sbb dah lame wei x jmpe ni..
xkan nak himpit2 pastu cakap 'jom amik pic'
adoi mak x biase!
amik la kesempatan dier tgh ckp kat fon tu aku least ade la jugak..
kengkawan kat ofc semua cam bengang pasal pic x penoh..
ye ye aaa nak amik pic kan aritu.
sekali yilek!
ish, malas la amk amik penoh..
kang semua or kenal aku nye ex ni.huaaa haaaa..
here's the 1 n only pic.. ;)

venue: coffee bean
date: 2/8/2008
time: 11pm++
i wore my seed's top w tudung brown lilit.senang.xyah iron2..
tetiba cam nyesal x amik pic elok2..
xpe.raya kang jmpe lagi.
to my dear ex,
if u happen to read this, i just wanna say thanx for dat lovely supper treat.n i hope one day u'll meet ur Ms Right.jom, sama2 la mencari... ;)
ada satu pic jek aku leh share with u ol..
mmg sengaja la nak amik pic sipi2 jek..segan shial sbb dah lame wei x jmpe ni..
xkan nak himpit2 pastu cakap 'jom amik pic'
adoi mak x biase!
amik la kesempatan dier tgh ckp kat fon tu aku least ade la jugak..
kengkawan kat ofc semua cam bengang pasal pic x penoh..
ye ye aaa nak amik pic kan aritu.
sekali yilek!
ish, malas la amk amik penoh..
kang semua or kenal aku nye ex ni.huaaa haaaa..
here's the 1 n only pic.. ;)
venue: coffee bean
date: 2/8/2008
time: 11pm++
i wore my seed's top w tudung brown lilit.senang.xyah iron2..
tetiba cam nyesal x amik pic elok2..
xpe.raya kang jmpe lagi.
to my dear ex,
if u happen to read this, i just wanna say thanx for dat lovely supper treat.n i hope one day u'll meet ur Ms Right.jom, sama2 la mencari... ;)
Monday, August 4, 2008
rosak rosak..
fyi, im posting from my lovely ofc..
y ofc?y not at home?
sbb kan..........
pc saya rosak lagik.bila on bukak la windows tu tp xde la plak ikon2 cam my computer, winamp bla2..ada wallpaper jek tp kosong..
so, i anto la p umah munie pg td b4 g keja..
mintak tlg abg ipar dier repairkan..
yg sedey, xleh la nak melayan friendster n ym..
kat ofc ni online boleh tp xde nye fs n ym2 ni..
dats y la no pics ok..
kena tggu pc ok then i'll upload every single pics..
ptg td ade la my ex tu call bgtau dah ade kat airport nak depart dah..
call jugak nak inform kan..sweet... ;)
so raya nanti jmpe la kot..
isnin sampai jumaat aku keja 12 noon-930pm..
sat n sunday off days..
best keja tghari sbb boleh bgn lmbat..
tp balik lmbat la jugak..huhu..
drive pun sayuuu jek memalam..
ade org nak temankan?jom..
now dah kol 915pm.x saba tol nak balik..
k lah peeps.nak kemas2 meja nak balik dah..
nak amik my things kat pantry n all..
take care!
y ofc?y not at home?
sbb kan..........
pc saya rosak lagik.bila on bukak la windows tu tp xde la plak ikon2 cam my computer, winamp bla2..ada wallpaper jek tp kosong..
so, i anto la p umah munie pg td b4 g keja..
mintak tlg abg ipar dier repairkan..
yg sedey, xleh la nak melayan friendster n ym..
kat ofc ni online boleh tp xde nye fs n ym2 ni..
dats y la no pics ok..
kena tggu pc ok then i'll upload every single pics..
ptg td ade la my ex tu call bgtau dah ade kat airport nak depart dah..
call jugak nak inform kan..sweet... ;)
so raya nanti jmpe la kot..
isnin sampai jumaat aku keja 12 noon-930pm..
sat n sunday off days..
best keja tghari sbb boleh bgn lmbat..
tp balik lmbat la jugak..huhu..
drive pun sayuuu jek memalam..
ade org nak temankan?jom..
now dah kol 915pm.x saba tol nak balik..
k lah peeps.nak kemas2 meja nak balik dah..
nak amik my things kat pantry n all..
take care!
sunny sunday
its sunday again.yay!
today my schedule full i tell u..
pg dlm kol 11 camtu temankan my mum g beli groceries kat our fav choice supermall..
then balik umah,lunch sket n p tukar pakai my green mng tops n jeans terus hop in to munie's car at 2pm..
then off we go to the riverside cinema to watch the mummy 3..
mummy 3 isnt dat bad but cliche.u know, dat kind of movies dat u can predict how it'll ends..ok ok la..i give 3 star out of 5..
dlm kol 6 cite pun habes, then munie anta me to the swak plaza cos i have a dinner date w my sains kuching geng..[nieza,juzz,bobet,gg, ap n hat-c]..
actually juzz nak blanja we all kat hartz chicken buffet sempena her 1st pay cheque..owwhh sangat soooka bila org nak blanja mkn..esp buffet.hehhe..
dlm kol 7 we started mkn2, gelak2 n sembang2..
topik paling best bila cite balik pasal sekolah dulu.
yelah, kate dok boarding school kan, sure la byk funny stories..
cite hantu pun ade gak weiii..hahha..
then comes the picture time..
ade la mamat chinese ni, we all sebok2 amik pics dier pun tgk je we all..
apesal ntah.kalo nak mintak numb aku tu ckp je la kan..hahha..
selepas acara membuncitkan perut, we all smua nak balik dah..
dlm kol 9 camtu la..
tp kan, aku, bobet n nieza mmg xnak balik lagi.
still early to go home maaa.aieseh..
since aku x drive, so ingat nak mntak la hathsey anto balik then kiteorg gerak dr umah..
tiba2 hatc pun nak join..
wah lagi bagus.jimat minyak aku..hahha..
yg lain x join sbb direct nak balik umah..
we went to bing for hot drinks..
tp sampai2 ctu aku order their famous ice chocolate.
setaaapp tahap gaban mengalahkan suria baja hitam.. ;)
sambung gelak+gossip+sembang...gelak2 sampai org kat meja sebelah dok pndang jek..
we all smua buat bodoh..hahaha..
dlm kol 11 hathsey pun anto la we all balik..kalo nak ikutkan xnak balik lg..
kalo aku bwk keta mmg belom balik lagi ni...hehehhe..
balik2 umah, shower n terus zzzzzz..
+ what a happy day indeed.x sangka we all dulu2 cam kecik jek pkai school uniforms but now semua dah keja and still kwn rapat cam dulu2..
may Allah bless us all and thank u for the wonderful friendship, my friends......
today my schedule full i tell u..
pg dlm kol 11 camtu temankan my mum g beli groceries kat our fav choice supermall..
then balik umah,lunch sket n p tukar pakai my green mng tops n jeans terus hop in to munie's car at 2pm..
then off we go to the riverside cinema to watch the mummy 3..
mummy 3 isnt dat bad but cliche.u know, dat kind of movies dat u can predict how it'll ends..ok ok la..i give 3 star out of 5..
dlm kol 6 cite pun habes, then munie anta me to the swak plaza cos i have a dinner date w my sains kuching geng..[nieza,juzz,bobet,gg, ap n hat-c]..
actually juzz nak blanja we all kat hartz chicken buffet sempena her 1st pay cheque..owwhh sangat soooka bila org nak blanja mkn..esp buffet.hehhe..
dlm kol 7 we started mkn2, gelak2 n sembang2..
topik paling best bila cite balik pasal sekolah dulu.
yelah, kate dok boarding school kan, sure la byk funny stories..
cite hantu pun ade gak weiii..hahha..
then comes the picture time..
ade la mamat chinese ni, we all sebok2 amik pics dier pun tgk je we all..
apesal ntah.kalo nak mintak numb aku tu ckp je la kan..hahha..
selepas acara membuncitkan perut, we all smua nak balik dah..
dlm kol 9 camtu la..
tp kan, aku, bobet n nieza mmg xnak balik lagi.
still early to go home maaa.aieseh..
since aku x drive, so ingat nak mntak la hathsey anto balik then kiteorg gerak dr umah..
tiba2 hatc pun nak join..
wah lagi bagus.jimat minyak aku..hahha..
yg lain x join sbb direct nak balik umah..
we went to bing for hot drinks..
tp sampai2 ctu aku order their famous ice chocolate.
setaaapp tahap gaban mengalahkan suria baja hitam.. ;)
sambung gelak+gossip+sembang...gelak2 sampai org kat meja sebelah dok pndang jek..
we all smua buat bodoh..hahaha..
dlm kol 11 hathsey pun anto la we all balik..kalo nak ikutkan xnak balik lg..
kalo aku bwk keta mmg belom balik lagi ni...hehehhe..
balik2 umah, shower n terus zzzzzz..
+ what a happy day indeed.x sangka we all dulu2 cam kecik jek pkai school uniforms but now semua dah keja and still kwn rapat cam dulu2..
may Allah bless us all and thank u for the wonderful friendship, my friends......
Sunday, August 3, 2008
after so long
i just came back from dat date..
sure u all nak tau cite kan?kan?hhaha
fyi, he's my ex to be honest.
we were in love in last 2006 n we broke up bcos some unexplainable reasons.
but we remain friends till now..good friends indeed..
since he has a movie date w his family, i need to wait till 10pm then i can fetch him up from the cinema..
actually we both nak la g dinner tp since dier ni anak yg jarang gile balik kch, kenala layan family dulu kan..
so movie pun abis dlm kol 1030, i mmg dah sampai pun kat depan riverside to fetch him up.
after so long, 2 yrs to be exact, we met again..
he gained some pounds i think..chubby.i loike..hehhe
so pusing2 kch jap, kiteorg pun g coffee bean for supper.
ingat nak g the famous THE JUNK tp tutup la plak.huhu..
coffee bean pun ok la...
since dah 2thn x jmpa kan, u all boleh bygkan la betapa kekoknya saya..
senyap jek salu..toleh kiri, kanan..
dier aku tgk ok jek..
cite la pasal keje, his love life[currently his single.ehem. ;)],family n all..
aku angguk je..
ish, aku x soka tol bile nak cakap tp xtau nak cakap ape..
ntah la...
nak cakap aku suke kat dier balik, xde pon..
later after suapan demi suapan of my chic n mushroom fusili,aku dah ok..
kurang dah kegugupan itewww...
hehhe...biasela lame x jmpe kan.ex lak yg penah kite sayang.aieseh..
on the way nak anta dier balik, tetibe dier ckpla pasal our rship dulu..
broke up pun pasal jaoh..xde benci2 or pasal org ke 3..
then aku cakapla things happen with reasons..
susah kalo dah jaohkan..
he's a nice guy i must say..
with a good career, family background and good looking too, women out there sure chasing him for his numb..hehhe..
x boleh la kalo dapat gf jaoh2 cam aku ni.insecure uuuu..hehe..
so we both better remain as good friends..lagi best ;)
pics will be uploaded later ok..
sabar2 la menunggu..hiks~
i just came back from dat date..
sure u all nak tau cite kan?kan?hhaha
fyi, he's my ex to be honest.
we were in love in last 2006 n we broke up bcos some unexplainable reasons.
but we remain friends till now..good friends indeed..
since he has a movie date w his family, i need to wait till 10pm then i can fetch him up from the cinema..
actually we both nak la g dinner tp since dier ni anak yg jarang gile balik kch, kenala layan family dulu kan..
so movie pun abis dlm kol 1030, i mmg dah sampai pun kat depan riverside to fetch him up.
after so long, 2 yrs to be exact, we met again..
he gained some pounds i think..chubby.i loike..hehhe
so pusing2 kch jap, kiteorg pun g coffee bean for supper.
ingat nak g the famous THE JUNK tp tutup la plak.huhu..
coffee bean pun ok la...
since dah 2thn x jmpa kan, u all boleh bygkan la betapa kekoknya saya..
senyap jek salu..toleh kiri, kanan..
dier aku tgk ok jek..
cite la pasal keje, his love life[currently his single.ehem. ;)],family n all..
aku angguk je..
ish, aku x soka tol bile nak cakap tp xtau nak cakap ape..
ntah la...
nak cakap aku suke kat dier balik, xde pon..
later after suapan demi suapan of my chic n mushroom fusili,aku dah ok..
kurang dah kegugupan itewww...
hehhe...biasela lame x jmpe kan.ex lak yg penah kite sayang.aieseh..
on the way nak anta dier balik, tetibe dier ckpla pasal our rship dulu..
broke up pun pasal jaoh..xde benci2 or pasal org ke 3..
then aku cakapla things happen with reasons..
susah kalo dah jaohkan..
he's a nice guy i must say..
with a good career, family background and good looking too, women out there sure chasing him for his numb..hehhe..
x boleh la kalo dapat gf jaoh2 cam aku ni.insecure uuuu..hehe..
so we both better remain as good friends..lagi best ;)
pics will be uploaded later ok..
sabar2 la menunggu..hiks~
Friday, August 1, 2008
t.g.i.f ;)
it's friday again my dear peeps..
pagi2 bukak roster then i know i off for tomorrow(rupanya). ;)
sunday mmg off pown so dat means i'll have 2 days to lepak2..
wwoooohhhoooo...sangat sukaaa!
today keje kol 9-630..
bosan2 jugak pasal my geng[cella, nyza n kak sue] smua pakat off day.
mmg hampeh.tggal i sorang2 je anak dara yg ada on my cubicle's row.aieseh..hehha
salu kalo lunch mmg beli mkn kat kantin ofc jek tau.
sekali tutup plak today..
sib baek ada kakak ni jual nasik lemak kat pantry.
sy lunch ngan nasik lemak jek k..
bila sampai umah, direct g dapo bukak periok satu satu..
sekali ade lauk daging kicap n sayo kacang pjg.i loike..
dgn bertudong2 ni ha g mkn kat depan tv..
lapa punya pasal mmg camni.hahha..
* u guys wont like me when im hungry. =)
weekends ni nak wat ape ek...
i have a movie date on sunday with munie, my childhood friend.
jiran dari kecik till now..
nak tgk cite susuk xtau lagi..
my date with ehem ehem xtau bila.
he just landed this evening from kl and he immediately called to say dat he has safely home..
well, for sure my gurls curious nak tau kan..
nak tau ke x?nak ke?
so tunggu sahaje la my updates later..
hehhe.saje kasi saspen sket..~
nak sambong chat jap..
have a great weekend dearies!!
*hugzzz n kizzeezzz*
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